Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Big day, Big evening, Big steps for #1 Grandson !

I left work early at 5 today and headed down to the Silvertooth house to play while Amy and Chris took Aiden to his kindergarten open house night ! Here they are ready to walk to school ! Papa showed up too so he and Garrett had some fun one on one play time !
It sure was fun to hear the stories of where all they saw Aiden's name in his classroom and of course Ethan had to have giggle kisses from Daddy !
Aiden got an official school shirt too, and Amy said you buy the lunch tickets, milk money etc. all on line now ! wow how easy is that ! They even have color coded car tags for pick up in the afternoon, how organized ! So one little boy all ready to start school come monday morning !
And I'm off to plop in a chair , the body has wilted and I hear Andy Griffith on, time to go sit with hubby and watch a no brainer !

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I would have barely recognized Aiden!! He is so tall!!! What a little man.
