Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gene's 80th Birthday Party !!

Well we had a fine celebration of a fine man yesterday ! All the planning was worth making this man smile ! We had a nice afternoon of visiting and appetizers and drinks... Then off to a dinner at Black Angus.

Everyone enjoyed the great food !

Gene with Amy and Aiden !
A toast to the birthday ! Dan and Gene

Chris and his GrandpaJeremy and Ken

Ken and his Dad
After dinner it was time for birthday cake !
We had very tall candles that sparkled when they were lit, Gene enjoyed them until they burned way down. Then he had help from his great grandsons blowing them out !
What a fun family reunion, what shall we plan for your 85th Gene????


  1. Looks like LOTS of fun packed into a couple of days!! How proud Gene looks, and what great photos and food! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for sharing pictures. Wish we could have been there to celebrate!
