Friday, October 23, 2009

October Thronberries quilt meeting

We had an impromtu change of venue today for our normal October meeting for our quilt group, we hung out at Joe's BBQ and had a nice time visiting and having a fine lunch there !

Barb brought her halloween table runner she finished up. Great way to use up leftovers from a quilt she had done! Sue did some piecing on our block of the month, mine is buried somewhere in the 2nd or 3rd layer in my sewing room UGH !Her blocks are sure springy and pretty.
Barb finished a baby quilt she's stashing away for a gift.
I finished this October wall hanging, we figured it was our group project at least 7 years ago...well mine is finally done and it is still october ! I was stitching the binding down as we visited around the picnic tables in the lovely fall weather.
Louise was working on this great toothbrush rug, it's for her hallway and so she's just going to keep going and going until it's long enough !
So it was a shortened version but at least we got to visit for a couple hours, thanks Joe's BBQ for the impromtu event !


  1. Looks like you all had fun. Nice projects - loved them all.

  2. Such clever girls. Your comment about "layers" of stuff in your sewing room made me think that when we go into our studios to clean, we should think of ourselves as archeaologists setting off on a dig to unearth ancient treasure. It's much more grand than just cleaning, isn't it?
