Monday, November 2, 2009

A great day with the Girls !

So on friday I escaped....took the day off from all life's craziness and went over to Linda's house to join my friends for a sewing day. They wanted to have a belated birthday celebration for me and it was so nice to enjoy relaxing and laughing and eating and sewing with the girls ! We had a great lunch they fixed, here is Denise warming her wonderful Lentil soup.... I'm hoping she shares that recipe !
Here is Judy working on her project.Denise was busy prepping strips to crochet for her rug.
We looked out the window and had these quail stopping by for a visit !
Here is Linda ironing the forever pile of pillowcases we make for our little job ! I was ignoring mine that day !
So thankyou again dear friends for treating me to a great day ! And a toast to friends ! they are the best ! ( isn't this a pretty drink that Judy made with the cranberries in it!!!! )

1 comment:

  1. YOU are blessed with wonderful friends...and you know the old saying? Birds of a feather, flock together...and You are a wonderful sister! I'm glad you enjoyed a day to relax!
