Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Janne Family Christmas Party

We had a great time last weekend hosting my family's traditional holiday party. The kids were all so cute, here is Aiden, the next one is Ethan and Cailyn checkin to see what is going on ! It was so cute to watch them together.


Amy and Grandpa

The boys had a blast with the fuseball game, the big boys included ! There seemed to be someone playing all the time and a bit of cheering going on !

Ethan snitching a cracker. We had lots of time for appetizers and visiting.
Amy and Chris

MB, Alissa, Jen and Amy

We made the guys stand for a
picture interrupting a game of pool !

Alissa, Marcy and Jen

Chris and MB

We had a very nice visit from Santa, what a surprise that was ! Aiden had the sweetest smile the entire time he was here.
Santa had a wonderful file box with certificates and he looked thru and yep, there was one for each of the kids as being on the "Nice" list. They each got a certificate with santa's picture on it saying they had been nice. Cailyn was even intrigued !
Garrett was so cute and definitely wanted to do whatever Aiden was doing when Santa asked for help delivering presents !

Ethan pretty much wanted nothing to do with him ! He kept the tightest grip on his Mommy the whole time he was here ! Cailyn was brave tho to sit on his lap ( so did MB ! )

We had a great time playing some games. We played a fun little dice/gift game that involved alot of fast rolling, presents and stealing ! LCR was fun and Chris won everyone's quarters this time !
Yummy dinner, I made a ham and a turkey and everyone brought wonderful side dishes, desserts and appetizers.
Jeremy and Jamie got to join us thru skype ! They'll be here Jan. 6 to continue our Christmas celebration !

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