Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Proud Mom

Ok, I just had to tell you how proud I am of this little guy, we found out a few weeks ago about a great promotion he'd gotten, in the Air Force the pilots are all grouped in a squadron and the squadron is broken down into Fights. Well Jeremy made Flight Commander. Now that is not such a shock but I was thinking it would be after he'd taught a few years not just 5 months. So now he's in charge of his entire flight of other instructor pilots and all the students. WOW !
So yep, this is Jeremy a very long time ago ! And here is a picture of him at the very beginning, this is the day he came home with his first flight suit, he'd just gotten his pilot slot right before graduation and commisioning at ASU.
Wow you've come a long way Jeremy !!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to and Ken must be very proud!
