Sunday, March 21, 2010

Finished projects

Well 2 more projects that have been in the works are done. Here is a pair of blue booties for our new little grandbaby coming in June. True Confession.....I'm not to good at booties, I made five of these little guys to get 2 of the same size ! So maybe I'll have to keep going with the other 3 laying here to see if I can get any to come out the same size as the 3 that are homeless! and here is a little baby quilt made for him. I took MB and Chris shopping for their "going home from the hospital clothes"for the little guy, then I made the quilt to match. Everything they chose was blue and brown and green. I used a pantagraph (pattern)when I quilted it with ABC's.
So this is just the first of a couple quilts started for him, this one is little for while he's tiny. Gotta have lots of sizes for different times !So I"m off to the baby shower, the quilt and clothes are all packed up, along with the new diaper bag and booties! Aren't baby things cute !


  1. Those are BEAUTIFUL gifts for that precious little one who will be here before we know it! Exciting!
