Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pizza time !

Ken and I had fun tonight with our little boys ! We went and picked them up when Aiden was out of school and off to Peter Piper Pizza !
Here is Garrett showing us his tatoo he won and his little flying disk.
They had Fun on the rides and games ! Then they devoured pizza !
Aiden is showing us the snap bracelet he got with his tickets he won !
Little ones are happy to pretend to play too !
There is a fun slide there, Ethan tried climbing up the right way and just wasn't tall enough so I thought we were "safe" from him going up high ! NOPE, he figured out he could just climb up the slide way and get clear to the top. All the sudden I look up thru the windows and there he is ! He has such a brain for figuring things out...hmmmmm great problem solving ......engineer perhaps????
And we topped it off with ice cream cones....took them home good and sticky and tired, but we sure had fun !

1 comment:

  1. Lucky Grammy & Papa to spend time with their little boys before the cruise! A good send-off!
