Monday, June 7, 2010

Mt Rainier

We spent a fun 1/2 day seeing what we could see of Mt. Rainier.
It was a rainy misty day, low gray clouds but we made the pretty drive up to the first visitors station of the park and the "first stamp" of the trip. What beautiful countryside, saw a few deer and this very friendly blue jay who decided the car next to us was just a great spot to sit. We got to the next visitors center which had a lovely display, beyond that it was still closed for the snow.
Mt. Rainier kept hidden but we saw some pretty country coming in and out.
We took a little walk thru a rain forest.
Water everywhere. Such neat things to see looking up and looking down !
We loved the big old trees !

1 comment:

  1. Even in the rain, the scenery looks gorgeous and green! What a great trip for the 4 of you!
