Saturday, July 24, 2010

An Evening with Bode

Bode got to come over for the evening last night to play with Papa and I ! What fun was that. What a long day at work watching the clock so I could get home ! Sorry for the sideways view, turned it twice and it still loads sideways ! Bode looks so little here with Papa's hand on his chest !
He took his first bottle like a champ ! Downed 3 oz. like nothing ! What fun to rock a baby !
Here are Chris and MB back to get their little Bode bear, they had a nice dinner out but we had more fun !
Here are 2 videos just for fun, I think in the one now at 3 1/2 months there is a bit of a coo on the way ! Bode will have alot to say pretty soon ! Thanks for coming over Bode !


  1. He's really glad he took the bottle easily! That makes life easier for babysitters and gives mommy a break too!

  2. aren't those baby sounds the best sounds in the world. I think I need a new baby! I wonder who is ready to accomodate me! LOL! If I would say anything, I think the kids would run away very fast! LOL

    thanks for sharing. Bode is a keeper for sure

