Thursday, July 8, 2010

Grammy Fix !

I was so lucky today. I got to go help at the new little families house ! Bode and I got to hang out for 2 hours this morning, he was awake for part of it so it was fun to see him look at you and we sang alot of songs and just had a great time. Then he got tired and so had a nap in my arms ! Mommy MB had some time then to rebond with her house and I could tell it felt so good for her to feel good enough to pick up, start laundry, get a shower, she made amazing use of those 2 hours! Time for him to eat again so we got him started and I ducked out ! Thanks Bode for all the fun !I got home and got out his little bed ( Emma get off there !) We just got our car seat base put in the car so Bode we are ready for you to come play any time !!!!!

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