Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Bode Morning

What a fun Saturday Morning ! We got to go get Mr. Bode and keep him for a few hours ! MB had a work event and Chris is on a work trip to Alanta so we had a great time with him, he's 3 months old now. We picked him up at home at 7:30 and so he got to go have coffee and bagels with Grammy and Papa ! He slept right thru it, but had alot of admiration from the Einsteins crew. So we played and he has the best belly laugh now, his whole little body shakes when he laughs, he's lovin his hands and figuring out how good they taste !
A couple cat naps, more smiling, one huge blow out, more giggling, a good nap on Papa and then MB came to pick him up. It was such a fun time !

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