Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bode's Baptism

Our little Bode was Baptised this weekend on a beautiful Saturday morning !There were 15 children all being baptised at the service with another following. Each child's name was on the pew for the family to sit in.
Here are Chris and MaryBeth with Bode at 3 1/2 months.
I took these during the service.
Bode never uttered a peep during the whole service with all the annointings and all.

They had a lovely brunch at the house after for everyone to celebrate Bode at. Bode's Great Grandparents were there, my folks....
And Ken's parents got to come.
Bode you were so sweet all dressed in your white outfit! What a day to remember.

1 comment:

  1. It was a very special day to welcome Bode into God's family! Bless his heart!!
