Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Baby Shower

While Jeremy and Jamie were here we were honored to have a baby shower for her and Danille. Both sisters expecting their first born next year. So we had a little brunch one day to honor both babies on the way. Jamie who is having little "BS" ( baby Schuld) in early June recieved lots of yellow since we won't be finding out if it's pink or blue for another few weeks yet.
Danille who is having Baby Charlotte in Feb. got lots of pink and this darling little silver braclet from her Aunt Jamie with her initials engraved on it, how sweet is that!
The quilt I made for baby Charlotte was pink and yellow.
The one for Jamie was kept neutral so whichever she has will use it.
How fun was that to be able to celebrate them both.

Stephanie and Christa
Alissa and Marcy
Jamie with MB and Bode
Marcy and Jamie
Alissa and Jamie
My Mom (this will make my Mom's 6th great grand baby)and Jamie

Amy and Jamie
So we girls were enjoying tea cups and fun baby things while...
The guys went out in the dessert and went shooting, I don't know who had more fun, they came back with big grins from a beautiful day in the sun.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to be included in the baby celebration! Good Luck to both new mommies!
