Monday, November 15, 2010

Thornberries in November

We had a great time at our Thornberry quilt meeting in November. Only 4 people showed up but we just had such a nice time visiting, we all needed a bit of escape from life. Sue was working on this quilt, all the light background brights she's collected made into stars with the darker colored ones, love the way she set it with the colors going in diagonal rows. Here is another one of Lorene's Christmas quilts. I got to show everyone my tree and red block quilt I had finished that I posted a few days back and a baby quilt that was done.
Sue had this one finished too, we had swapped all the pastel colors years ago and this is what she made out of hers...mine live in a baggie!
Then we had a pin cushion swap. Only 3 of us participated but we had such fun with it, we are hoping to do it next year with it being a round robin, you make your own base and then it's passed around to be added to and embellished to each person. So this is Lorene, she won the one I made, it was out of wool and a fall theme. Sue gave me a little acorn button to sew on it.
Sue won the one that Lorene made and it's a doughnut! The bottom is chocolate( brown wool) and it has white frosting(white wool) and sprinkles(beads)! Cute!
Sue made the strawberry, that is the one I won, isn't it darling, it has brads here and there thru the fabric for the seeds and the top is green wool, I love it! Lucky me! Can't wait to do it again!

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