Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Class Sample Done

Here is a class sample for Scrapbooks Etc. I delivered today before our Christmas party. This is the one I posted last week when the top was done, here is the finished thing! It's called Polka Dots and Pinwheels and we've listed it as an intermediate level class. It will start the first thursday in Jan. morning and evening classes available and it lasts for 3 weeks. It'll be lots of fun to make so if you've not tried some quarter square triangles and something beyond squares we'll have fun putting this one together. If you sign up on line it's 10% off now too. What a deal.Here's a closer shot of the blocks, I put little raw edge circles in the center of them all, and it's got a cute minkie on the back with polka dots of course! Yea for one class sample done....moving on to the next!

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