Thursday, December 2, 2010

End of a fun visit

Well our very busy fun filled Thanksgiving holiday has come to an end. Jeremy and Jamie left to go home yesterday afternoon and my text late last night from them said they'd arrived safely back into Columbus Miss. via Birmingham Alabama with a 2 hour drive behind them. We sure had fun while they were here with so many fun meals, lots of joint time spent with Jamie's family, many trips to the baby store and on and on. I had a few random photo's yet from their visit that were fun to share. Here is little Bode one night when we were at Rustlers Roost. Chris and MB hosted us all for a little cocktail party at their house, lots of fun appetizers out on the patio.
Here is Jamie and her sister Stephanie the last night they were here while we were at Oregano's. Stephanie and her hubby will be in Az. yet until Christmas when they head back to Brazil.
And last but not least, here we are at the Tumbleweed tree in Chandler. They were still putting the finishing touches on it so it was kind of fun to see what it takes to put that together.
So another visit is over, and we will miss our Mississippi kids. I'm sure they are happy to be home with the dogs and back to work today too. Jamie will be back to work at both her OT jobs and the next time we see her little BS( baby schuld) should be making more of an appearance! Jeremy should be back on flying status since his eye surgery soon so life is getting back to normal all around. I worked yesterday and will use the rest of today to to start getting out Christmas decorations and see if I can get the house totally turned upside down!

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