Monday, March 7, 2011

Grandboy Fun!

We got to have our 3 oldest grandsons over on sunday for the day. We decided to go to McDonald's for lunch and so they had fun there and got to eat and play. Then we went to the park...They had such fun out, it was a beautiful day out so there was lots of swinging,
Giggling and having loads of fun.
We took balls along so the boys enjoyed them and look how Aiden had to go do what Papa was doing! It was great to have time to play when we got home, everyone wanted showers and baths and we had dinner and then they helped me make those pillsbury cinnamon rolls in the can for dessert...2 cans of them. So when they came out of the oven, they devoured all but 3 of them, what fun! So 3 happy little guys went on home once Mommy and Daddy got back from their trip, it's amazing every week how they grow and change!

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