Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Amy!

Today is Amy's birthday, my middle child and sweet daughter! Here she is with her 3 boys. They were all helping her open her present! We had a great day on saturday celebrating her! She's getting to escape the night of her birthday to join Chris in CA on a business trip so I'm glad we snagged the weekend before to have a family get together.We started Saturday morning out with a hike out at Usery Mountain Park. It was beautiful out.
We chose the little mile loop but then decided to go to the top of the mountain too, and little Ethan went the whole way up on his own power. I think that mountain was pretty big when you are 2!
MB wore Bode the whole way so she had a good workout!
Garrett on a rock!
Here is Aiden, he found a hiking stick, but we got it back to it's owners in the parking lot.
It was so nice out, I'm ready to go back again and spend some more time out in the dessert while it's so pretty out.
Here comes the troop, Ethan's back in the back pack with his mickey mouse ears on!
We came back to our house after the hike and had lunch, 2 kinds of chili. My folks joined us and we all enjoyed seeing the boys play, Bode and his cousins were so cute together.
So Happy Birthday to you Amy, I hope you have a marvelous getaway ! I'm so glad we got to celebrate you and I'm so proud you are my daughter!


  1. Thanks, Mom! We had a great time! I loved it. Thanks for making it special. Love you!

  2. Happy Birthday, to my sweet niece!! Hope your day was special, and enjoy your get-away too!!
