Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bode's 1st Birthday Party

Here's our little Bode who's ready to celebrate his first birthday the end of June. He's going to be off on his trip with Mommy and Daddy to visit his new cousin Noah and then on to spend time at the beach with MB's family so they had his birthday party a bit early. What a great crowd showed up to honor this little guy! 60 in all, and about 25 of them were kids from all their family and friends. What a fun party for you Bode.
He's trying out his new table and chairs that Grammy and Papa gave him, he thought they were so fun and is thinking maybe pushing a chair around all over the floor like a walker is the best!
Here's cousin Ethan...
Bode and his little friend Gavin...
Here's my Mom holding little Landon, another cousin... he is doing so good in his doc band, he's grown so much and has this darling big smile.

Alissa and Alan...Here's Corissa and Cailyn...
yummy birthday cake!
Mom and my sister Marcy...trying out the little table and chairs
Amy and Grandpa...
Bode and his birthday cake, what fun!
Here's Chris, Grandpa and Chris!
Bode practicing his walking with his Daddy
And who needs new birthday toys when the best thing to play with are the shutters!
We all had a great time at the party and everyone else did too. Can't believe you are going to be a year old Bode, what a darling you are! Happy birthday sweetheart!


  1. what a very fun party for a very special little boy. Great pictures!

  2. A special party for a special little boy...Bode gets to celebrate the rest of the month! LOVE the pictures!
