Sunday, June 19, 2011

Early Fathers Day fun!

We had an early fathers day celebration last night at our house. Both our kids here were heading out for family vacations this weekend so we invited everyone over and celebrated our"dads" a bit early. Here is one Dad...Chris... I think he got the award for making the best looking ice cream sundae! there is a brownie under that!.....Here are 2 more Dads, Ken's Dad Gene and My Dad opening a gift.
Here's another Dad there hiding behind the much fun happening, yep a little of this shooting going on! Dollar store guns are great because you can buy a BUNCH of them so everyone can run around with one! Ken was having fun with Aiden and Ethan there.
There was stuff going on everywhere! It was so fun to look around and see all these little bodies! Amy's 3 boys and Cailyn was there and Bode was in the highchair. Someone was always on the move, Bode crawls faster than anything now and so there was always a little body headed somewhere!
Here is Cailyn enjoying her Capri Sun!
Here's Ethan with his sundae what he fixed all by himself!My Mom holding her #5 Great Grandson... It was lots of fun as during all the craziness we got to Skype with Jeremy and Jamie to see them so everyone could see Baby Noah.
There was a bit of this going on too....
And here is Bode having fun...
And here is another Dad, Chris, Both my boys are having their first Fathers Day this year!

1 comment:

  1. We had alot of fun at the family gathering...there WERE lots of little bodies on the move!! Thanks again for hosting!!
