Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sew and Go.... NEW RECORD Attendance!

We had such a great turnout at Sew and Go today at Scrapbooks! New records set for Barb and I! We had somewhere around 65 show up for class! We had kits ordered for 80 so the few that didn't get to pick up your kit we'll have them ready for you to pick up at your convenience. Our summer series is proving to be loads of fun for everyone. Even those that can't be here don't want to miss out, we even have one gal from Las Vegas ordering hers each month so she doesn't miss the fun and then can do her kit at her house. After a few "pow wow's" with all the great people at Scrapbooks we had things flowing pretty smoothly and were prepared for the fun day!We set up the second small classroom for all the irons and cutting mats, everyone seemed to enjoy going in there to work on things and it kept some of the crowds down a bit in the big classroom... We had about 8 irons ready to go and cutting stations....
And way in the back is Lisa.... I will take a better photo of Lisa next class....we've been "given" Lisa to help us with things one day each week. We get her for class days to help set up, do whatever we need and then do the breakdown....ahhh was that such a help today. Then we get her for one prep/design day the next week. She was such a help today, yea for Lisa and yea for Marti and Julie for helping us out!
Here's Linda and Joann and there goes Susan in the back. She's our wonderful Go to gal that keeps everyone so happy at our register. Susan can FIX anything!
So these lucky 14 got to sit out in the area of the store between the one big classroom and the smaller one where the ironing was, they were all having a great time out there!
Here's Vicki and Denise! All left with their fun project of a portable ironing mat and a quilted bag to hold a portable iron in. Of course it's all matching their last project which was the tote! We have this great spread sheet that Barb keeps updated so we can keep who has what kit, so we know what to make for's quite the endeavor being we have so many fun people joining us! 80 kits out the door today, whew, Barb and I left with a smile on our face knowing people were happy with our plans!


  1. What a turn-out!! And Happy Customers too!! I know you and Barb are great teachers, and I'm looking forward to my "first class" on Saturday!!
