Sunday, August 14, 2011

My trip to Venezuala.....

Well my friends took me to experience Venezuelan cuisine this week. We went to My Arepa which is in Mesa and written up as the best Venezuelan food in the valley. I had to google the country to see exactly where in South America it was. It was very good and fun to get to try another country on our quest of worldly foods! Denise and Sarah and I ordered several things so we could try them all, they cook alot of corn, so that the bread looking things were actually ground corn based . The one on the left was folded over with cheese inside, the other 2 are like a sandwich, again the corn based part that was the "bread" and then one had chicken and slices of avocado and the other was beef with plantains and black beans. This is the 3rd way I've had plantains, and much better than the ones I truely experienced in Belize. I guess these sandwich things are arepa's and they sell them on the street like you might get a street taco in mexico or a hot dog here!
this dish was very interesting, the outside part holding it together was actually a huge plantain and then inside was a shredded pork with a coleslaw like topping, it was very good. So now that I"ve experienced Venezuala I can say I enjoyed it! Thanks Denise and Sarah for trooping me along.....I'm hearing Korea is next....yikes what do they eat?

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