Sunday, September 4, 2011

Grammy Day

I invited some of my little boys over for a Grammy Day on saturday. Aiden and Garrett and Ethan came over at 7AM to join me for some pancakes and we told Mommy and
Daddy to scram!
So cute all fresh from sleep they trotted on over....
And we had to swim first thing...
Garrett is such a helper, he pulled the cleaner out of our way, look how tall he's getting!
Ethan so excited to jump in the pool!

We swam for an hour and took a break and made shaved ice...You know leftover pancakes are extra good sitting by the pool when you are all wet, especially while wearing your goggles! Stamina back up we swam for another hour until we were all prunes!
We made plans then to make a HUGE fort, thank goodness for alot of quilts!
We all fit in there and each boy had their own flashlight. Before I knew it we had snacks in there, and then they got their parents old record player so we listened to rudolph and then the smurfs, Ethan got Uncle Jeremy's batman car to play with and pretty soon there was some legos drug in, course the exit was thru the tunnel ( you can barely see it peaking out the back) But all had fun and at 11:00 they went on home. I had 1/2 hour to vacuum up little midget things that .....
This little guy would put in his mouth and he came over for his 4 hours with Grammy next! Bode and I had a blast, he loves just wandering around yet and playing with things maybe 1 minute, stacking blocks, looking at 2 pages of a book...
He had lunch and a couple snacks and before we knew it Mommy and Daddy were back from their 4 hour break! What fun....I'm in recovery mode today :-) Little boys are the best!

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