Saturday, December 17, 2011

Aiden's Christmas shopping

I took Aiden Christmas shopping this week, we had such fun!  I got to pick him up at the appointed spot after school.  Right by the crosswalk as he leaves school so what fun to be the one to wait for that smiling face.  He waved to me as soon as he saw me and came running across with a big smile!  We had to start our adventure with a snack at he chose a cherry slush and some popcorn food!  Downed that with no problem! He did his homework of reading to me along the way, what fun to hear how well he reads.  Then off to Sweeties candy store.  He chose a YARD of gum for his treat and then picked boxes of nerds to take home and share with his brothers. He sure had fun checking that place out! From there we went to the dollar store.  He chose fun things for everyone and then we went to Someburros for dinner with Papa.
Again this growing boy downed his burro, his chips, his beans and his churro plus half of another churro!
Home was the next destination.  He had a bit of time for train driving and then got his presents all wrapped up.  Before long it was time to head out to go home so we'd have time to stop at Swirl it for an ice cream treat.  Again, downing that with no problem!  Aiden is definitely turning into a hungry growing boy!  This cute shot is Aiden wrapping his present for himself!  Yep, he got himself what he got his brothers so they could all play together.  Love that toothy grin, he lost another tooth this week, lots of fun little gaps to put a straw thru but some of the gaps are filling in!  Sure was a fun 5 hour date with Aiden!

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