Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ethan's Date for Christmas Shopping

I took Ethan on his date this week to go and do his Christmas shopping for his family.  He had such fun.  We started out at the dollar store and he made all his decisions.  Then we went to get a donut at Dunkin some grape juice!  He had talked about a lunch spot of Peter Piper Pizza, but then in the end just wanted to come home with me to play.  
Being just 3, I helped him out with his wrapping and he got to do some playing, even outside for awhile.  He loved driving the train!  Here he's saying All Aboard! 

Sure was a fun date Ethan!  I wish we'd have just had more time to just play besides shopping!  He never did know quite when it ended tho as my date fell asleep in his car seat on the way home :-)

1 comment:

  1. The grandsons will always remember playing with the train at your house!
