Friday, December 30, 2011

Grammy is sad, Noah is heading home to Mississippi

Grammy is sad....this little guy is on his way home to Mississippi.  I know his Daddy is anxiously awaiting on the other end!  He told me he really really really missed him, so I guess it's time for him to go home with Mommy.
 Noah Your visit didn't last long and there was alot of people dying to meet you and play with you, but I treasured every minute I got to hold you and make you giggle and laugh. I'll miss your darling smile and that wonderful laugh and I know in a couple months I won't be able to stand it so I'll be looking at the calendar trying to figure out how I can come and see you!  I'll need to see you crawl before you are running around !
 I'm glad we got every little minute we did together!  I love you Noah!

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