Monday, December 26, 2011

Our Christmas Eve

Here are a few candid shots to see how our Christmas Eve was spent.  It was an overall great day, I would describe it as a bit chaotic, lots of coming and going, people needing to be certain places at certain times, eating and drinking and playing and overall having fun! 
 How lucky to be able to have our loved ones with us! 
Here is Aiden enjoying his hot chocolate he made himself out of my new machine, whip cream and sprinkles to make it festive!
 Bode getting his new red wagon!  Lots of rides around the house and then he even shared with cousin Ethan so we had 2 going for rides!  They had to leave to early for us to get to go outside and go for a "real ride". Bode I hope you love your red wagon!
 Santa came for a visit.  Garrett called it Amy said, a day or so ago she said he told her that the real santa would be coming to Grammy's and whoa I guess he was right.  This is the 4th year Santa has shown up and found these kiddo's at my house!
 Everyone is a bit shy and in awe!  Lots of big smiles tho. Ethan was afraid last year but very brave this year, Bode was a bit shy and not so sure.  Little Noah missed it all and didn't arrive in time.  Thanks to airline messes and late arrivals, but oh well, Santa left him a treat anyway.  And if you look really close over behind Santa is Chris holding the computer with Jeremy on Skype in Mississippi!
 MB was a good sport since Bode wasn't so sure about a picture with Santa.  Santa brought elf hats to the kids this year so they each had an elf hat on to help him.  Look at Ethan watching Santa in the front there!  Aiden at 7 1/2 has really been wondering this year...look at that grin!
 Santa had certificates again this year for them, saying they'd been good.  Santa has really watched these kids grow from year to year and we've added along the way!  He even knew what they'd been up to recently and asked Garrett how his program was and if Ethan was liking preschool!

 Garrett's million dollar grin!
 Aiden and Santa...
 Garrett and Santa...
 Ethan and Santa...
 Everyone having fun with the games that Santa brought them.  He stayed a long time watching them play and enjoying the moment!
 Chris helped Aiden with his new Snap Circuits, a little boys dream of learning electronics!  What  fun, one engineer helping a budding engineer! He can complete circuits and make music, lights flash, beeps, he's going to have fun with this!  Notice Batman there watching!  Ethan had such fun, later he turned into "robin"!
 And here's the best part of Christmas!  Jamie and Noah arrived!  We were so glad to finally see them!  What a crazy time for Jamie, but she made it!
 And here they are, Jeremy skyped with us several times during the day and on Christmas Day too, every few hours he'd call and see what was going on. His box of treats arrived that day on the porch so he munched on the same goodies we were having.

 And lookeeee here!  All 5 of my Grandsons together for the first time!
Ethan 3, Aiden 7 1/2, Bode 18 months, Noah 6 months and Garrett 5.
 Here are the 3 youngest, Ethan, Bode and Noah...
 More candid shots...MB and Bode
 Noah with his Aunt Amy,
 Noah got his puppy dog quilt, yep that is Jeremy in the picture too! and yep that is wrapping paper all over the floor, we were having to much fun to clean up!
 My folks stopped by to get to meet their 7th Great Grandchild!

Noah, gotta love the cheeks! Jamie's folks, her sister and her Grandma stopped in later in the day, joined us for some dinner, it was great to see all of them too.
 So glad our little Christmas angel made it!  Hope you all had a great day too!

1 comment:

  1. What great memories...and a very special family celebration!! Thank goodness for skype so Jeremy could enjoy part of the day with you too!
