Friday, December 2, 2011

projects at work

I just had to show you the progress we are making on the blocks for the Blocks of the month for Scrapbooks. Barb and I got these prepped and pieces ready to be cut into kits. It's so much fun to go around the store finding the perfect fabric for the perfect spot! All the kits will be just like this. They'll be so cute when they are detailed out but here is a start. I stitched these out one day at work last week and they are coming out so cute. Every time I"m working on them someone comes by and is so excited at how it's looking that they go and sign up. Goodness the calendar and announcement about our Block of the Months won't even come out until for a couple weeks but there are only 10 spots left!
We got it all together this week and I know it's not quilted or no one has eyes since it has to be quilted first but I just had to show you how CUTE it is! And such a fun way to do something like this. There is a 25 registration fee, but that includes your pattern and at the end if you bring it back at this stage and show it to us, Scrapbooks is giving that $25 back to you in credit for your backing! Now how cool is that, what a great store! It's a great incentive to keep up and get it done. I'll show you the finished thing when it's quilted and bound with some closeups on the details, hopefully by then my camera will be back and we can get some cool ones. It sure was fun to spend the time at work stitching this out.....I was hoping it fixed my craving to do this one...NOT! If you are thinking about doing it tho don't delay in signing up, the new schedule will be out in a couple weeks and by then I think it'll be to late! We've given our students a great headstart on seeing the result so we are glad you've signed up! Starts in Feb......I'll see you then!

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