Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ready for the Holidays

We've enjoyed getting all ready for the holidays this year, quilts are up and everywhere, you don't realize how many you have until you gather them, but every night they come into use covering us up!The stockings are hung....Noah a new one awaits your arrival!

The village and train are up and have many miles around that track already by some little boys!Tree is decorated, our tree is adorned with all sorts of loving ornaments....not a beautifully decorated one but beautiful in our hearts as each has a meaning. This year 3 foot down is all stuffed animals so little hands can enjoy! I did put up the tree in my bedroom as I love it's twinkly lights at night. Christmas dishes are all in use, so fun to change those out come December and look at something new!
A few things are wrapped, shopping is on the downslide ( thanks to amazon...my best friend) The lights are up outside.... rather homely too as it was whatever I could reach but adds to our festive neighborhood. Ken's been addressing the holiday cards and so those will be ready to mail soon. Still lots to do, a few more trips to the store, much wrapping, a few gifts to still make ( yep I'm crazy), a few more grandsons to take shopping for their families, but we look forward to parties and fun family times!

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