Just wanted to show you something that is coming up at ETC. Barb and I have a new Inspiration class we are doing for the store. It's called All Cut Up. Soooo all cut up was not all cut up so I've spent a few extra hours at work making sure we are ready for you all to come! It's the 2nd wed. of Jan and will be once a month, each time something new! It's all about what you do with the precuts that are out there that we all love to buy and what to do with them. Once a month you'll come and we'll have a new pattern for you using a precut of some sort...jelly roll, charm squares or layer cakes, a project done out of the pattern for you to see. We'll be able to give you all the tips and tricks of making it since we already made it and have it all figured out. You never know what it might be tho, some projects are quilts but some will be smaller things so it won't be a huge project each month. The best part is it's only $2.50 ! Yep, how can you go wrong! You'll get the pattern and then whatever you buy that day, your $2.50 is applied back towards your purchase so essentially it's a free class! So here is your sneak peak at the fabrics we have prepped that our sample is made out of.....hint #1, it's using a layer cake ( 10 inch squares...yep I've been doing a bunch of cutting once we had the sample done...and they are all in the sample) hint #2, they are georgous batiks, but actually any layer cake will work nicely. You will absolutely love how this project goes together too, ok I'm not going to give it away, so come and check out the fun we'll be having at All Cut Up! We had so much fun making the sample up at work that I"m dying to get in my sewing room and make one now too!
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