Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jeremy's whirlwind trip to AZ

Jeremy's been home for 5 days for a fun whirlwind trip to Arizona!  They had a skiing trip planned, he, Chris and Chris.  So we filled every little thing we could into the 3 1/2 days we had.  He was very busy zipping back and forth to see Grandparents and get to everyone's house.  We planned our Christmas dinner the night after he got here so here he is helping me prep 2 prime ribs for 19 adults and 6 kids.  It was so nice for being a monday night, everyone took time to come and enjoy another family gathering.  He even got to open his christmas presents!
Chris and Bode
 Jeremy pushing Ethan on the swing....Can you tell Uncle Jeremy gives pretty good rides!
 Here's my sister admiring her grandson Landon... It was great for the cousins to all get to see each other. and for Jeremy to meet all the little bitty cousins.I look back at the week and am amazed at what we got to do, alot of eating, a night out for pizza, someburros lunch with all our kids in one spot!  Oreganos..yum!  While Ken and I were at work Jeremy had time to zip around to spend a few hours with Grandparents ...
This afternoon while the guys were heading home from skiing my phone started beeping as I was getting photo after photo, they stopped in Heber at our old cabin in the woods.  What fun they had tromping around in all their favorite places on the acreage we owned to see all the sites for the many tree houses they built together.  They said the cabin looked great yet and I think it was a great time for reminiscing!  Even seeing nails in trees that they had pounded 20 years ago building tree house after tree house!  
Another crazy trip home but I know Jamie and Noah are ready for him  to be back in Mississippi, sure was alot of fun!

1 comment:

  1. It was a whirlwind, but so glad he could come home and we were able to see Jeremy again!
