Saturday, February 25, 2012

Merry Go Round class

This was the second month to teach my Beyond Basic class of the Merry Go Round quilt. Last month's group ended and this month I had 5 students do the morning class and 2 at night.  Got a photo of Shari and Pauline working on theirs...
 This was Shari's, all fall colors...
 My 2 night time gals made the night class so much fun!  If you can have Lindsay and April in a class you'll have a blast! Here is Lindsay's all layed out.  She's the one that requested I even teach this class so I was glad to have a request.
 These 2 had a blast so I hope I see them again real soon in another class!  7 more pretty quilts almost done!  This ended that 3 week series and my Charming pinwheel class starts next Thursday in the Beyond Basics Intermediate class at ETC, day and evening.

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