Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Best News in the World!

I got the best phone call at work yesterday.  Jeremy's deployment was cancelled!  YEA!  Long story but his bags were packed and due to deploy to the middle east and now HE'S NOT GOING!  You cannot imagine how good that feels.  Jamie will not be alone, He will be here to enjoy Noah learning to walk and talk and enjoy his first birthday! They were so prepped with everything ready and done!  So put those gas masks and flak vests back in the attic!  I keep pinching myself and texting him to make sure it's for real and they aren't changing their mind!  Isn't it amazing!!!!!
(this photo was from his 2nd deployment to the middle east....Mr. pilot flying his Az flag in the back of his C17!.....I look back at the different photo's he has sent from his 2 deployments and I'm still amazed he's really not going!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I can fee your sigh of relief all the way over in CA :) That is REALLY great news.
