Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lake Havasu

This last week I spent an over night in Lake Havasu.  Barb and I went to teach a class there and do a trunk show for their quilt guild. It went great, everyone was very engaged and loved the 3 suitcases full of quilts we've taught classes in.  It's the largest quilt guild in the state and it was fun to go and meet them and see what they do.  Their show and tell was wonderful, lots of very talented quilters there.  We took all of 4 1/2 minutes to do some sight seeing on our way to teach our class.  We'd been crossing over the "London Bridge" every time we went back to our hotel so we stopped for a photo.  Here I am with Barb and her Mom who trooped along with us.  She was such a good sport and helped with the money and charge cards as we volunteered to take a bit of product along from ETC.  for these gals way out in Havasu.  And they seemed to love it!  We came back with less so I guess they enjoyed getting to shop too!

 After the trunk show we got back to the hotel and we had some prep yet for our class the next day, so we popped popcorn at 10:00PM and finished kits and made the sample ( yea for my little traveling featherweight!) and were ready for these gals the next day.  We had about 17 come enjoy the little bag they made, all were very good  seamstresses and seemed to enjoy the class. It was fun to teach "new" people with no expectations and they enjoyed all of our shortcuts and fun.
 Lake Havasu has grown, I hadn't been there since they moved the bridge and it was so odd as here is this bridge with nothing out here, well, there is tons there now.  And thank goodness spring break is NEXT week so we missed out on that craziness!
 Our hotel was right on the lake, this is out my room, little patio to sit on with a walkway down to the beach... we needed some time there just to decompress.....but alas there were kits to build!
 This neat pool with the negative edge where the water looks like it's dropping down to the lake, no one in it but the ducks!
I take photo's of weird things!  We couldn't make this design if we tried!  But the birds can!

 Late to bed, early to rise...pretty sunrise over Lake Havasu... on to teach their class, sure was a fun little experience! Since being home we've heard they absolutely loved the whole thing, said it was the best trunk show they've seen and they loved having teachers come!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos...and a jam-packed couple of days!!
