Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It was a great "Spend the night"

We got to have our 3 oldest Grandsons this weekend, for a "spend the night"!  We'd tried for a couple weeks to do this and with different ones getting sick and such we finally got it done without canceling!
 They came over in the afternoon and had no problem talking Papa into going to Chuck E Cheese.  So they pizza'd up and used up all their tokens and then we still had time to go to our neighborhood park for lots of fun and giggles!  By the time we got home for showers and baths they were starving so more pizza and an attack on the doughnuts I'd bought!
 I love moments like this....here is Ethan the next morning helping get things ready for breakfast, of course they'd done the request for chocolate chip pancakes so while I was making those Ethan had the big job of cutting up the 2 doughnuts that were left.  He did pretty good for 3, of course his plate had almost a whole doughnut on it but then when I pointed it out he divvied them up pretty darn good!
We relaxed all morning and just played, Ethan had such fun with playdough worms going in the big truck to the "dump", then we needed to play with the dishes and water so we went outside.  Garrett and I had fun playing the "feed the kitty" game we have....he won 2 times!
 It was pretty out and fun to just hang out in your jammie bottoms!
 Lots of fun and smiles, I'm ready for another spend the night!

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