Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Soccer Games!

Lucky me got to go to 2 soccer games on Saturday!  It was freezing out here, funny spring storm coming thru, hard to believe last weekend the boys were swimming.  Both Garrett and Ethan are playing soccer, the games were both at the same time on back to back fields so I went back and forth as each one went in to play.  Here is Garrett....doesn't he look like the "athlete"! 
 And some action....he loved playing the goalie and just stayed so engaged, wiggling and hopping around, then pretty soon here he comes skipping across the field, it was so cute.
 So here is Ethan..... So cute, he loved running around, sometimes after the ball, sometimes just hopping around whichever way!
 I'm so glad you can be such a busy little guy at 3 and get to play soccer!

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