Friday, April 20, 2012

We have the best students!

We have the best students you could ever have in our Sew and Go classes.  They all come to class and have so much fun and leave with big smiles on their faces.  Even when we make them do zippers and join bindings and all these strange things it takes to make things look professional....we have this thing about making sure our projects look nice, all finished off and very nicely done.  So they persevere with us and our funny hangups to have projects that don't look homemade but handmade!  So I had to show you what one of our students brought to us this week, it was such a sweet gesture and such a cute idea so maybe you can make one too.   It's an angel...... the wings are a dish cloth she crocheted, then the body is a towel tied with a ribbon......
 And here is the back side, it's all looped with the ribbon over a neat is that, I needed a new cup!  And a new dishcloth and towel!  So thankyou Shirley that was so sweet of you!  She's leaving to go back to her other home and hoping to be back really soon!  We'll be watching for her return!  We are just so lucky to have such nice students....
Karen brought us each a pan of homemade rolls a couple weeks ago, Toni brought us fresh eggs from her chickens,  Kathy is always bringing us cookies. Ce brought some yummy treats to share with the whole class......everyone makes us smile... Monica keeps the whole class in stitches, we have our "special needs" table...they know who they are and are proud of it!  We love their perseverance and neatness on their projects.  So much chattering back and forth if you step back it's fun to listen to all the happy chatter, and they all help each other, if someone forgets a step I hear them telling how to do something, what nice students....aren't we the lucky ones!

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