Friday, May 11, 2012

Here come the apricots!

Well I've only picked a few little apricots to try until last night when we picked a big BRANCH worth!  We had a gusher of a storm come thru and lost a branch on the apricot tree. Of course it was full so we drug it up onto the patio and Ken and I stripped all the apricots off so now we have several huge trays on the counter with them ripening.  I feel bad the branch broke off since we'd had the tree trimmed but it was very heavy with fruit. Just glad more didn't break off, that was some storm, still had water sitting in the yard this morning! Haven't seen rain in forever and then we got it all in an hour!  Dirt first of course, it hit on my way home from work so crept home during the dust storm and drenching rain, glad to have it!

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