Friday, June 15, 2012

A Dip in the pool and pizza!

A fun  impromptu evening  swim after work and pizza at Chris and MB's.  What a great way to unwind after a big class and watch 3 grandsons have a blast in the water.  Ken and I met up with everyone and enjoyed relaxing and hanging out with everyone... Garrett is up on the big rocks...Aiden is off at Boy Scout day camp this week....
 Ethan loves all the fun shallow areas at their pool, ready to have fun! Diving toys, squirt guns...It's so great to see them loving the water...
Bode showing me all the wonderful things he's learning at swimming lessons...He's so ready to just jump in off the sides, it's hilarious, you better be ready!
 Pizza and salad and watermelon, yummy summertime dinner!  Little boys eating together, isn't it cute!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the "impromptu...last-minute" plans are the BEST! The boys are really growing!
