Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sew and Go Summer Series starts!

We had the Greatest class at ETC. yesterday. Our Summer Sew and Go Series started!  Yep we had over 50 sign up and we got started with this cute project!  It's a darling little bag, that has tucks and a hinge type of pop open top.  So cute!  It was lots of fun for everyone to learn to make this project!  We have more hinges coming in and should be here this week so if you want to make more you can get more hinges.  It was so fun for everyone to see their fabrics they chose in their first project!  We had about 40+ in the classroom and 8 students sitting out in the store sewing.  Julie and Lisa moved fixtures and set tables up with power  right outside the classroom door so we were good to go when the door opened.  It was pretty nuts as everyone was finding their spot and their kit and then their companion kit too....

They ordered these ahead.  We have TO MANY IDEAS.  So we listed the ones that were really easy that people could make at home so we introduce a "companion" kit each time for people to order and then make at home.  Then when they come to the next class that kit is cut out of their chosen fabrics. They will have the neatest set by the time summer is over.  So here was the companion that they ordered's a little purse organizer.... the black thing is elastic that keeps it shut...
 They got a tablet and a calculator in the kit even.  It's a great little project, we had one gal order 9 of them....somebody is going to have some neat gifts!   So if you missed class or if you still want to join in, get signed up, we have extra kits for the cute little pouch so you can still make one even if you didn't pick special fabrics, we'd love to have you join in!  Next tuesday we'll make the pouch again and.....

We just have to many projects!  We made our darling Clutch at a Sew and Go class this spring, we'll people have requested we decided we'd offer to cut these for people out of their fabrics if they like.  I put a cute little extra ruffle on mine, so if you decide you'd like to have our "Project #2" be sure and sign up on a paper and pick your cute little ball hinge and we'll have your kit ready for you next Sew and Go.....
 You'll also be able to order this cute little companion kit if you wish.  It'll be ready for you at your next sew and go, it's a cute little coin purse/wallet with a zipper and open pocket that velcros shut.  And the second part is the neat little key chain.  Hmmmmm these both then have D rings or the key ring....I do think by the time summer is over you'll have something really neat that these all might attach to........ohhhhhhh I can't leak to much!  You will love what is coming up tho!!!!!  Can you tell I'm having this black and white thing going....and a splash of red!!!! Sew and Go is the best!

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