Monday, July 23, 2012

Baby Brock is home

Baby Brock got to come home!  Pretty fast for a c-section baby! His numbers for jaundice were back in the normal range so they released he and Mommy and the trek began!  
I picked Bode up from playing with Aiden, Garrett and Ethan and away we went to the hospital....mostly so he could see Mommy and also to deliver Brocks car seat.  Bode was very excited so we only stayed a few minutes and home we went for more food, bath and bedtime.  He fell fast asleep with songs then so you know he'd had a huge day playing with his cousins! He was fast asleep before the new arrival appeared!
 Here is Beans already checking out what came in the door! 

 Chris and I had fun having to change him right after his arrival since he'd peed thru his outfit already! Then the routine begins....get the clean diaper under them and before you even have it on they poop!  Then you roll them over to get the wet jammie out and they pee off to the side wetting the new jammie, the blanket and a towel..... we were all laughing so hard....half a load of laundry and he hadn't even been home 15 minutes!
 So the adventure begins!  Hope the first night went well, they have Grammy chicken noodle soup and tortilini salad fixins ready to go in their fridge, so I'm off to work!  
You can still see the little red marks on his temples from the velcro glued to his head to attach his cool dude sunglasses!  So glad his body is working on that bilirubin! His numbers were still normal after being out of the lights all day.  They'll be off to the pediatrician to have it checked again today!What a cute little frown at the flash!  Brock welcome home! 


  1. Oh so precious. Brian and I laughed out loud at the 1/2 load of laundry, so so true!

  2. Great photos...Brock is precious!
