Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Little Boy Weekend

Lucky us got to have a little boy weekend! Lots of fun to be had....a picnic with pizza!  To nice to be inside!

 Such fun to have time to play!
 Garrett had a baseball game.  We went again this last weekend and my everyone is improving!  So cute to watch them with coach pitched games!  Garrett hits the ball line drive to the right field! That's him on 3rd base.
 Another picnic, this time we got subway and walked to the park, then we just so happened to have to get..
 ice cream cones!  Another spend the night this weekend and another movie night!  I'm so entertained with fun movies for kids,  The Lorax last weekend and this weekend we watched How to Train your Dragon! Fun movie, popcorn and little boys falling asleep on your lap!

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