Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Where has she been!!!!!!!??????!!!!!

Just a quickie to let you know I"m still here!  Internet issues....that's where I've been. Do you realize how much you use the internet and how strange it is when you can't just immediately access it.  It started with printer issues, then bloomed into wifi issues, some days we had a glimmer of time, others none.  Moving computers, moving printers, printers are all now working yea!  Except of course the wireless but I have hopes!  So don't give up, I"ll be back, I'm way behind on photos and posts, I even have photo's of all the fun food I "gathered" on my birthday!  And thank you all for the well wishes!!!!  So for now with my 6 " internet cable that is bypassing the router ( I"ve learned so much) I can at least get a few bills paid before this "hunched over posture" due to the 6 inch cord makes me stop! Chris spent an entire morning here while we played with Bode and Brock and had things all working, so who knows what happened.  The friendly "cox-fixitchick" you talk to doesn't like our router, neither did the "cox-fixitman" a week ago, so maybe we are going to have to buckle down and buy a new one...but my personal guru says NO it's fine, so you will see more fun things in my crazy life as soon as I"m back to my spoiled rotten state of WIFI!  (if you see a crazy person in Starbucks or McDonalds on her laptop seeking wifi you might think its me! desperate times call for desperate measures!)

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