Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Craziness!

 Well everyone knows I have a crazy life so here are a few shots of one other strange excitement we had to DEAL with, a crane moving a huge storage crate at our building.   Not something you do everyday but now I can say , yep done that!
 Did you know when you hire the crane you get the one guy who drives it, amazing he could do all this ( course the guys had to do everything they could to help.... 1st try, to heavy, so looping the crane cables around gave him more lift.... I know they had a weight, something like 36000 pounds or maybe it was 26, or 46, at that point who knows!
And now, the city is happy it's where they like it and all is done, whew! Pure Craziness as far as I'm concerned!  but now if you ever need to move a very full storage container this is how you do it!

And one more tidbit just so you are as educated as I'm getting....did you know that people steal these strange plumbing things.....you can tell ours was cut there on the left side near the ground and apparently someone interrupted the would be thieves as they didn't finish their job.... so we have a new one of "these" things with a cage around it....that's why you see all those strange cages around town, around things like this because apparently people steal them....no cheap thing either, strange isn't it! Now I know, not that I ever wanted to, but such is my Crazy Life! And like the sign in my kitchen says life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain! 

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