Sunday, December 30, 2012

Zoo lights - 1 strike, 2 strikes.....

Well we tried again to get everyone over to Zoo Lights tonight.  We tried a week or so ago, Ethan got sick, it was to cold out with icy wet weather for the baby so we postponed until tonight.   Off we go to meet for dinner at Jason's Deli, in comes the rain.....if all boys were big we'd have toughed it out but with baby in tow we nixed Zoo lights again and ended up at Chris and MB's hanging out for the evening.  Just as fun!  So here are Brock and I ....if you can see his warm little stocking hat it says Boob Man....
 So little boys and Papa had fun with Bode's race track.... he was so good to share...
 We decided to play a game....Brock feel asleep....
 This was so much fun!  Ticket To Ride!  I've heard a few have played it and now I'm thinking what fun!  I loved it!
 A christmas movie for everyone to enjoy while we tried to play the game...
 Bode liked playing with the trains!

 By the end of the game there are trains all over the map, it was a great one so if you are hunting a new game for adults this one was lots of fun!  Thanks for the fun evening Chris and MB at your house, best part of the holidays is the little moments you capture isn't it!  Since we have 360 days of sun in Az who would think we'd get rained out tonight but actually it was a blast and we will try another evening yet!

1 comment:

  1. Alan & Alissa introduced us to Ticket to Ride a couple years ago...great fun!
