Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Little Boys

Oh my goodness, here I am so behind again!  Time for some catch up.... we got to have Bode and Brock over one evening a week ago so Chris and MB could have some time to eat, shop and say Happy 5th Anniversary to each other!  Brock is growing so fast!  
 Is this a pretty baby or what!  I guess I should say handsome but he's just a very pretty baby! His hair is staying this great redish color....looks just like his daddy's beard!
 MB calls him her chill baby....everyone gets one after they've had a crazy one!  He just goes with the flow as big brother goes whirling around!!!! But life will be changing soon....he's starting to notice things more than right in his reach.....ah oh, here he comes will happen soon!
In fact I didn't get any wonderful shots of Bode....could it be he's on the move!!!!! Darling little conversations happening....he tells you...talk about this....if he wants you to tell him something he's interested in and hear you talk about. If you look real hard you'll see Brocks little jeans unbottoned...chunky monkey! It's getting warm here in AZ so it'll be fun to see baby chunky thighs with all those folds!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

All Cut Up project

Here is our All Cut Up project this week at ETC!  Wed. is the day, May 1st.  It's our inspirational Demo day using precuts and when you come, you get the pattern for this great little quilt.  It would be darling on the wall, or on a table, if you added another border you'd have a cute little baby quilt.  I loved making it and it used 2 charm packs and about 1/4 yard for the consistent setting triangles.  And the best part is, I got the top done,  start to finish in about 5 hours!  Don't you love precuts!  Come see how cute it really is!!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

cute shot!

Just had to share this shot!  Chris and his oldest son Bode!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Amy's birthday

See I'm way behind, lets jump back to March!!!!  Altho we did celebrate  a couple weeks late but here was our fun evening celebrating Amy's birthday!  Everyone came for dinner.
 Chris and MB even brought sparklers for the kids so that was fun!
 Just a fun camera shot, I'm always amazed when they come out since I don't know what I"m doing!
 Here's Ethan...
 We had a fun time Celebrating Amy!  I don't think she opened any presents since Bode and Ethan took care of helping her with that!
 Lots of fun even if we did celebrate kinda late! Happy Birthday Amy!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Easter sunday

Little behind here but wanted to share some Easter snapshots!
We enjoyed a beautiful Arizona sunny day on Easter Sunday. Here are Brock and Papa. 
 Our extended family all met at the park to enjoy a beautiful spring picnic.  Here are Corissa and Landon, Mike behind.
 There was a great ramada my Sisters family reserved.  Alissa and Alan live in this subdivision so it was wonderful to see what a great facility they have there.  Here are Chris and MB. A quiet moment not chasing boys...didn't last long!
 Bode in all his cuteness grinning at his Daddy.
 My sister Marcy and Mike, my nephew.
 Grandma's cupcakes!  So cute and just as fun to eat!!
 Lots of fun picnic food and an Easter egg hunt for the little ones. Landon is watching Bode blow the whistle he found in his egg! These little cousins will soon have such fun together at family gatherings!
 Cailyn checking out her eggs.  The kiddo's each got a little wagon to go around collecting their eggs with from their Great Grandma and Grandpa.  Complete with little animal inside!  They had a great time.
 Family members off to feed the ducks across the pond.
 Bruce and Vickie joined us ( Jamie's folks).  Lots of fun to relax and visit with everyone.  Such nice shade trees so we spread out all around the ramada, babies on the quilts in the grass!
 We all had a great time and enjoyed the wonderful fresh air!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Early Easter with Amy's family

Amy's family wasn't going to be with all of us on Easter this year since they were heading to celebrate with Chris's family so they had us out for burgers one evening.
 I was feeling bad they'd miss out on the easter egg hunt so we too eggs down and while they hid then Papa hid the eggs for them.  It was a good warm up for them so they'd be ready for the Easter bunny's visit!  And actually Garretts tooth was so loose we were wondering if the Easter bunny and the Tooth Fairy might meet on the same night!

 Crazy little boys!  It was fun to have some time with them all!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sew and Go is on Tuesday

Here's your sneak peek at our Sew and Go project for Tuesday.  We are doing a little "retro" bag. Just the perfect size for something you might want to take along!  We've got lots of different applique shapes that we are going to sew on, plus seeing what osnaberg is all about.  That look of burlap is so in right now so we are using some osnaberg for that natural look.  Everyone gets to pick their own ric rak, buttons and applique pieces to use.  Will yours have glasses, a cupcake, a pie, flowers????
 We'll be flip and sewing the whole thing so it'll be quilted in no time!  Here's the back....I ran a roster at work yesterday and there were still about 6 spots left so join us, Tuesday at ETC.!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ethan's ball game

We got to go watch Ethan play ball the other day....well I got to stay for his practice since I had to get to work but I still felt like I got to be there!  Aren't 4 year olds fun learning to play base ball!
 Garrett and Aiden in the shade, it was warm out that day!  Grammy brought the yummy suckers from ETC.
 Garrett showing us his newly missing tooth!  He could put his straw right thru that hole to drink!
 Aren't they so cute, so low to the ground!

It was so fun to see you play ball Ethan!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Been a little crazy here.....what else is new right!  I wanted to get these out fast tho so you all can see and come on down to ETC today for All Cut Up.  It's our inspirational demo on precuts.  Here's our feature, it's this quilt I whipped up using a bali pop....grouping of 2 1/2" strips.  It came out so pretty. I'll be showing you how to make these neat stars, ones I've actually never made before.  And you use every little bit of that jelly roll or bali pop!  
 I loved doing it, block by block, so come see how easy it is and besides it's only $5 and you get the pattern and can stay in the lab and sew with friends!  I'm only wearing three hats today....I get to design a bit, then do the demo, then a couple hours more of design, then out on the floor to help everyone.  Crazy day, at least it's all in one spot!  See you there!