Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Little Boys

Oh my goodness, here I am so behind again!  Time for some catch up.... we got to have Bode and Brock over one evening a week ago so Chris and MB could have some time to eat, shop and say Happy 5th Anniversary to each other!  Brock is growing so fast!  
 Is this a pretty baby or what!  I guess I should say handsome but he's just a very pretty baby! His hair is staying this great redish color....looks just like his daddy's beard!
 MB calls him her chill baby....everyone gets one after they've had a crazy one!  He just goes with the flow as big brother goes whirling around!!!! But life will be changing soon....he's starting to notice things more than right in his reach.....ah oh, here he comes will happen soon!
In fact I didn't get any wonderful shots of Bode....could it be he's on the move!!!!! Darling little conversations happening....he tells you...talk about this....if he wants you to tell him something he's interested in and hear you talk about. If you look real hard you'll see Brocks little jeans unbottoned...chunky monkey! It's getting warm here in AZ so it'll be fun to see baby chunky thighs with all those folds!


  1. Busy boys!! You have great photos of Brock! Bode IS on the move!

  2. Brock is getting so big! I love the pictures!
