Saturday, June 8, 2013

Bode and Brock day

Lucky me had  a planned escape from both jobs to stay home and tend these 2 little sweethearts!  Their normal day care provider Miss Robin was gone and since school is out Chris and MB have to do some creative day care juggling until MB is off for the year.  What fun we had, Brock just loves to eat, he just eats and eats and enjoys it all so much!  He loves feeding himself, he had bits of bananas and little bits of bread besides everything else from the jar!  He's crawling so cute now....on the move!
 Starting to pull himself up places, I never did see him get to his feet but sure likes going on his knees to this new height!  Still crawls a few steps and then stops and does that cute turn around thing, just busy moving!
 But not as much as this one....he's so on the go, we had fun with so many things, trying out different toys, playing the old record player, play doh, lego's, lot of time with the little people, it gave me a great chance to clean out the toys since they were all out!!!  Blurry photo of his parade...
 Everyone took a good nap....yea for little beds!
  What a special day it was!


  1. B-boys are getting so big...those "little beds" will be too little one of these days! What a fun day!!

  2. I can't believe those boys are getting so big!!! isn't being a grandma the best thing ever?
