Saturday, June 22, 2013

Noah's here!

Noah and Jamie arrived this week without to much trauma, she was so glad it was a one way flight! They did well and we've enjoyed having them around so much!  Jamie's folks have been so gracious to include us all the time.  We had dinner at their house and got to swim and play their first whole day here....zoom home from work so we could get down there for the late afternoon fun!  Noah loved the water and has a new "turtle" thing that he can float around in all by himself without having to have someone's hands right on him, it worked great.  

 He loved jumping in too!  The guys are continuing their trek across the US.  2 nights on the road so far, we are hoping all goes well and they may get here by tonight.  Slow going but it's good it's a one way trip too! An entire day in Texas....I'm hoping by now they've hit El Paso!  It'll be smooth sailing from there!
 Noah loved his Pluto, feeding it a hot dog...... again he wasn't timid at all and just warmed right up to us!
 He played with me yesterday morning before work and we had a great time.  Loved how he put all the animals in the barn saying their sounds...found some fish in the play food and put them in the barn too!  Entertains himself totally with all kinds of toys...loves the little people and trucks!
 Lots of sorting going on....notice each bar has people, one zippy cars, different cars on another, very organized......wait till he finds out about his dad and boxes and labels!!!!  Noah we are soooo glad you  now live in Arizona!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you that ALL your family is back in Arizona together!!
